

英漢字典: up and down

1. to and fro;backwards and forwards來來回回;上上下下

    My father walked up and down the room,as if in deep thought. 我爸爸若有所思地在房間裡踱來踱去。

2. in every direction;everywhere 到處

    Where have you been just now?I have looked for you up and down for nearly half an hour. 你剛才在哪兒?我到處找你快有半個小時了。

3. completely;thoroughly完全地;徹底地

    Here is his hometown which he knows up and down. 這兒是他十分熟悉的家鄉。

4. unstable時好時壞

    How are things at your office?

    DOh,up and down,you know. D你辦公室的情況如何?D唉,時好時壞。

    I've been rather up and down recently. I think I need a holiday. 近來我身體時好時壞,我想該休假了。

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